Orange Creamsicle Alcoholic Drink

This Orange Creamsicle Alcoholic Drink combines our favorite childhood flavors of orange and vanilla ice cream with the adult kick of whipped cream vodka. This cool and creamy Orange Creamsicle Cocktail tastes like an adult version of childhood favorite.

Orange creamsicle alcoholic drink garnished with whipped cream and orange wedge

Orange creamsicle is a classic flavor that almost all of us have had throughout our childhood, but why stop there? It’s so much fun to take favorite childhood flavors and make them into adult treats, and that’s just what we did with this cocktail.

❤️ Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Really, what’s not to love? Rich, creamy orange creamsicle flavor combined with a healthy doze of creamy, whipped cream vodka? It’s easy and delicious – the perfect combo!

  • This cocktail tastes just like a creamsicle!
  • It’s super easy to make.
  • Everyone loves this classic treat.
Overhead shot of individual drink ingredients on table


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  • Ice
  • Orange juice
  • Whipped cream vodka
  • Cream of coconut
  • Whipped cream for topping
  • Orange slices, wheels, or wedges for garnish

**See the recipe card below for quantities.

🔪 How to Make This Orange Creamsicle Alcoholic Drink

It takes almost no effort whatsoever to make these cocktails. You’ll be done in no time!

Step 1: Mix the Cocktail

Add a handful of ice, the orange juice, whipped cream vodka, and cream of coconut to a cocktail shaker. Then, shake well until mixed and chilled.

Overhead shot of vodka being poured into shaker with ice

Step 2: Serve

Add ice to a glass and pour the drink over it. Top with whipped cream and fresh orange for garnish.

Orange creamsicle alcoholic drink next to oranges


Do you want to change up this recipe and make it your own? Here are some ways that you can do that!

  • Pineapple Creamsicle – Substitute the orange juice for pineapple juice to make a pineapple creamsicle.
  • Vanilla Vodka – Vanilla vodka will work in place of whipped cream vodka.

Check out this other rich, creamy cocktail recipe on the site!

🥄 Equipment

You only need less than a handful of simple equipment to make this recipe. There’s nothing to it.

  • Cocktail shaker
  • Glasses

🥫 Storage

We don’t have any storage instructions for this cocktail because you shouldn’t store it. This is one of those cocktails that should be served immediately, so rather than making them ahead of time, we recommend making them as you go.

Orange creamsicle alcoholic drink with orange juice and vodka bottles in background

💭 Tips

This cocktail recipe is so easy that we don’t have any tips at all. The only thing you have to do with this recipe is pour everything into the shaker and really give it a good, vigorous minute or two fo shaking.

⁉️ FAQ

Do you have questions about this recipe? Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Who invented orange creamsicle?

It was actually invented by an 11-year-old in 1905. Little Frank Epperson managed to encase vanilla ice cream in frozen fruit juice, and the creamsicle was born.

Why can’t you store these cocktails?

These cocktails are garnished with whipped cream and very cream. When they sit, the whipped cream will seep into the cocktail over time and it won’t be nearly as pretty.

What does this cocktail taste like?

It tastes exactly like our favorite childhood treat with a decidedly adult kick of whipped cream vodka.

🍽 More Recipes

Do you enjoy cocktails? Then, try these delicious recipes:

🧾Orange Creamsicle Alcoholic Drink

Want to make this recipe? Print the recipe card below, or pin this recipe, so you can find it later.


Closeup shot of orange creamsicle alcoholic drink

This Orange Creamsicle Alcoholic Drink combines our favorite childhood flavor with a decidedly adult kick of whipped cream vodka. Delicious!
5 from 1 vote
Print Pin Rate
Course: Cocktails, Drinks
Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings
Calories: 151kcal
Author: Rob


  • cocktail shaker
  • Glasses


  • Ice
  • 4 ounces orange juice
  • 1 ½ ounce whipped cream vodka
  • ½ once cream of coconut
  • Whipped cream for topping
  • Orange slices wheels, or wedges for garnish


  • To a cocktail shaker, add a handful of ice, orange juice, whipped cream vodka, and cream of coconut.
  • Shake well until mixed and chilled.
  • Add ice to your glass, then pour the drink over your ice.
  • Top with whipped cream and fresh orange for garnish.


Any nutritional data I provide is an approximation and actual dietary information can vary based on ingredients and proportion sizes


Calories: 151kcal | Carbohydrates: 12g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 0.3g | Saturated Fat: 0.1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.04g | Sodium: 2mg | Potassium: 227mg | Fiber: 0.3g | Sugar: 10g | Vitamin A: 227IU | Vitamin C: 57mg | Calcium: 12mg | Iron: 0.2mg
5 from 1 vote (1 rating without comment)

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